API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbHatch Class > OdDbHatch Methods
OdDbHatch Methods

The methods of the OdDbHatch class are listed here.

This is the overview for the appendLoop method overload. 
Appends an ordered loop onto this Hatch entity.
Appends the specified seed point to this Hatch entity (DXF 10).
This function appends this object to the specified owner object.
Returns true if and only if this hatch is associative (DXF 71). 
Returns the hatch background color. 
Clear recalculate loop list. 
Determines the behavior for custom objects when saving to .dwg or .dxf file.
Reads the .dwg file data of this object.
This is DWGMAP_DECLARE_MEMBERS, a member of class OdDbHatch. 
Writes the .dwg file data of this object.
Reads the DXF data of this object.
Writes the DXF data of this object.
Returns the elevation of this entity in the OCS (DXF 30). 
Returns the interpolated color of the gradient definition.
Evaluates the hatch for this Hatch entity.  
Explodes this entity into a set of simpler entities.
Returns the area of this entity.
Returns the Object IDs comprising all the associative boundaries in this Hatch entity.
Returns the Object IDs comprising the specified associative loop in this Hatch entity.
Returns the entity coordinate system matrix. 
Returns the colors and interpolation values describing the gradient fill for this Hatch entity.
Returns the oneColorMode for this Hatch entity. 
Returns the hatch line data for the specified hatch line in this Hatch entity.
Returns all the hatch line data for this Hatch entity.
This is the overview for the getLoopAt method overload. 
Returns the loops marked as modified.
Returns the hatch pattern definition for this Hatch entity as it appears in the PAT file. 
Returns the specified pattern definition line for this Hatch entity.
Returns the plane that contains the curve and curve's configuration.
Returns the hatch pattern definition for this Hatch entity as it appears in the DWG/DXF file. 
Creates a region from the boundary loops of the hatch. 
Returns the specified seed point from this Hatch entity (DXF 10).
Returns the luminance value for this Hatch entity. 
Returns the angle of the gradient for this Hatch entity. 
Returns the name of the gradient of this Hatch entity. 
Returns the interpolation value between the default and shifted values of the gradient's definition. 
Returns the gradient type of this Hatch entity. 
Returns the hatch object type of this Hatch entity. 
Returns the hatch style of this hatch entity (DXF 75). 
This is the overview for the insertLoopAt method overload. 
Returns true if and only if this Hatch entity is a color gradient. 
Returns true if and only if this Hatch entity is of type kHatchObject. 
Returns true if and only if this entity is planar. 
Returns true if and only if this hatch is solid fill (DXF 70). 
Returns the type of loop at the specified index (DXF 92).
Creates an ordered closed loop.
This is the overview for the markModifiedLoop method overload. 
Notification function called whenever an object derived from OdDbEntity is modified.
Returns the WCS normal to the plane of this entity (DXF 210). 
Returns the number of hatch lines in this Hatch entity. 
Returns the number of loops in this hatch (DXF 91). 
Returns the number of pattern definition lines for this Hatch entity (DXF 78). 
Returns the number of seed points for this Hatch entity (DXF 98). 
Notification function called whenever an object is opened for modify OdDb::kForWrite.
Returns the origin point of the current Hatch object as OdGePoint2d object. 
Returns the pattern angle for this Hatch entity (DXF 52). 
Returns the pattern double flag for this Hatch entity (DXF 77). 
Returns the name of the pattern for this Hatch entity (DXF 2). 
Returns the pattern scale for this Hatch entity (DXF 41). 
Returns the pattern spacing for this Hatch entity (DXF 41). 
Returns the hatch pattern type for this Hatch entity (DXF 76). 
Returns the pixel size for intersection and ray casting. 
Clear cache and recalculate pattern. 
Removes all Object IDs that are associated with this Hatch entity. 
Removes the specified loop from this Hatch entity.
Remove a specified seed point from this Hatch entity.
Controls the associative flag for this hatch (DXF 71).  
Sets the Object IDs comprising the specified associative loop in this Hatch entity.
Sets the hatch background color. 
Sets the elevation of this entity in the OCS (DXF 30).
Sets the gradient type and name for this Hatch entity.  
Returns the angle of the gradient for this Hatch entity.
Returns the colors and interpolation values describing the gradient fill for this Hatch entity.
Controls the oneColorMode for this Hatch entity.  
Sets the interpolation value between the default and shifted values of the gradient's definition.
Sets the hatch object type of this Hatch entity.
Sets the hatch style of this Hatch entity (DXF 75).
Sets the WCS normal to the plane of this entity (DXF 210).
Sets the origin point to the current Hatch object.
This is the overview for the setPattern method overload. 
Sets the pattern angle for this Hatch entity (DXF 52). 
Sets the pattern double flag for this Hatch entity (DXF 77).
Sets the pattern scale for this Hatch entity (DXF 41).
Sets the pattern spacing for this Hatch entity (DXF 41).
Sets the pixel size for intersection and ray casting.
Sets the pattern data for this Hatch entity directly, bypassing OdHatchPatternManager (DXF 76 and DXF 2).
Sets the specified seed point for this Hatch entity (DXF 10).
Sets the luminance value for this Hatch entity.
Called as the first operation as this object is being closed, for database -resident objects only. 
This is subExplode, a member of class OdDbHatch. 
This is subGetGsMarkersAtSubentPath, a member of class OdDbHatch. 
This is subGetSubentPathsAtGsMarker, a member of class OdDbHatch. 
This is subGetTransformedCopy, a member of class OdDbHatch. 
This is subSetDatabaseDefaults, a member of class OdDbHatch. 
This is subSubentPtr, a member of class OdDbHatch. 
This is subTransformBy, a member of class OdDbHatch. 
This is subViewportDraw, a member of class OdDbHatch. 
This is subWorldDraw, a member of class OdDbHatch. 
This is the overview for the unmarkModifiedLoop method overload. 
Update geometry of the loops previously marked as modified, using associated entities geometry.
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