API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbHatch Class > OdDbHatch Methods > OdDbHatch::getPatternDefinitionAt Method
OdDbHatch::getPatternDefinitionAt Method
void getPatternDefinitionAt(int lineIndex, double& lineAngle, double& baseX, double& baseY, double& offsetX, double& offsetY, OdGeDoubleArray& dashes) const;
int lineIndex 
[in] Line index.  
double& lineAngle 
[out] Receives the line angle (DXF 53).  
double& baseX 
[out] Receives the line base point X (DXF 43).  
double& baseY 
[out] Receives the line base point Y (DXF 44).  
double& offsetX 
[out] Receives the line offset X (DXF 45).  
double& offsetY 
[out] Receives the line offset Y (DXF 46).  
OdGeDoubleArray& dashes 
[out] Receives the line dash lengths (DXF 79, 49). 

Returns the specified pattern definition line for this Hatch entity. 


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