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IfcSimplePropertyTemplate Class
class IfcSimplePropertyTemplate : public IfcPropertyTemplate;

The IfcSimplePropertyTemplate defines the template for all dynamically extensible properties, either the subtypes of IfcSimpleProperty or the subtypes of IfcPhysicalSimpleQuantity. The individual property templates are interpreted according to their Name attribute and may have a predefined template type, property units, and property measure types. The correct interpretation of the attributes:

  • PrimaryUnit
  • SecondaryUnit
  • PrimaryMeasureType
  • SecondaryMeasureType



The IfcSimplePropertyTemplate is part of the set of templates included in the IfcPropertySetTemplate. The template can be accessed through the inverse attribute PartOfPsetTemplate. The IfcPropertySetTemplate may define one or several instances of IfcPropertySet (or IfcElementQuantity). The definition assignment is established by the objectified relationship IfcRelDefinesByTemplate as shown on the image below. There is no direct link between an IfcSimplePropertyTemplate and a subtype of either IfcSimpleProperty or IfcPhysicalSimpleQuantity. The definition relationship between the template and the individual properties (or quantities) is established by the Name attributes. 


Constraints at IfcPropertySetTemplate and IfcPropertySet (and IfcElementQuantity) guarantee that the Name attributes of included property templates and individual properties are unique.


File: IfcSimplePropertyTemplateAutoImpl.h 

Namespace: OdIfc4 

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