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IfcSimplePropertyTemplate::getPrimaryMeasureType Method
const OdAnsiString& getPrimaryMeasureType() const;

Returns the value of PrimaryMeasureType attribute. This attribute represents primary measure type assigned to the definition of the property. It should be provided, if the PropertyType is set to:

  • kIfcSimplePropertyTemplateTypeEnum_P_SINGLEVALUE: determining the measure type of IfcPropertySingleValue.NominalValue.
  • kIfcSimplePropertyTemplateTypeEnum_P_ENUMERATEDVALUE: determining the measure type of IfcPropertyEnumeratedValue.EnumerationValues.
  • kIfcSimplePropertyTemplateTypeEnum_P_BOUNDEDVALUE: determining the measure type of IfcPropertyBoundedValue.LowerBoundValue.
  • kIfcSimplePropertyTemplateTypeEnum_P_LISTVALUE: determining the measure type of IfcPropertyListValue.ListValues.
  • kIfcSimplePropertyTemplateTypeEnum_P_TABLEVALUE: determining the measure type of IfcPropertyTableValue.DefiningValues.
  • kIfcSimplePropertyTemplateTypeEnum_P_REFERENCEVALUE: determining the measure type of IfcPropertyTableValue.PropertyReference.

Returns the value of PrimaryMeasureType attribute.

The value range of the measure type is within the select type IfcValue for all PropertyType's with the exception of kIfcSimplePropertyTemplateTypeEnum_P_REFERENCEVALUE. Here it is within the IfcObjectReferenceSelect type.

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