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ODA Facet Modeler
Perform Slicing Operations

This chapter contains information on how to slice 3D objects.

Slicing a 3D object means getting a cross-section 3D profile of a body created by the specified plane.

To slice a 3D body you can use the slice() method:

void slice(const OdGePlane& rCutter, Profile3D& rResult, bool bIncludeBoundary = true) const;

For example, the following code snippet creates a Profile3D plane which represents a cube's cross-section:

Profile3D sliceBody(const DeviationParams& devDeviation)
  // Create a plane
  OdGePlane plane(OdGePoint3d(1.,1.,1.), OdGeVector3d(5.,4.,3.));
  // Create a body
  Body body = createCube(devDeviation);

  // Call the slice method and receive the resulting Profile3D
  Profile3D result;
  body.slice(plane, result, true);

  return result;

See Also

Work With B-Rep Data in Facet Modeler
Create Basic Objects
Create Basic 2D Objects
Create Objects via Revolution
Create Objects via Extrusion
Iterate through Entities
Perform Boolean Operations
Calculate Area and Volume
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