This chapter provides information on how to iterate through body faces, edges and vertices in Facet Modeler.
ODA Facet Modeler uses the boundary representation technique for solid modeling, and due to its data structure presented in the Overview topic,
it provides a set of iterators defined in the <KERNEL_DIR>/FacetModeler/include/Modeler/FMMdlIterators.h header file. <KERNEL_DIR> is the directory where you unpacked the Kernel archive.
Facet Modeler makes it possible to iterate through a body's faces using FaceIterator:
FaceIterator itF(&pBody);
while (!itF.done())
pFace = itF.get();
/* ... working with a face ...*/;
By following the B-Rep hierarchy, it is possible to iterate through all edges of a given face.
Note that edges may belong to different loops during an iteration.
The first loop is the outer one, and the following loops are holes (see the Topological entities section for more details).
The bNextLoop parameter becomes true when pEdge starts belonging to a different edge loop.
To iterate through all edges of a face, use EdgeFaceIterator:
EdgeFaceIterator iter(pFace);
while (!iter.done())
Edge* pEdge = iter.get();
//access the starting point of the current edge
OdGePoint3d ptVtx = pEdge->vertex()->point();
/* ... working with an edge ... */
bool bNextLoop;;
if (bNextLoop)
/* ... */
Also, you can access all edges and vertices directly, without having to iterate through a body.
To iterate through edges, use EdgeBodyIterator. The following code snippet creates a cube and iterates through its edges while numerating them:
void iterTags()
Body body = Body::box(OdGePoint3d::kOrigin, OdGeVector3d(10., 10., 10.));
EdgeBodyIterator iter(&body);
OdUInt64 tag = 0;
while (!iter.done())
Edge* pEdge = iter.get();
odPrintConsoleString(L"The edge's number is: %d\n", pEdge->tag());;