This chapter contains information on how to create objects via extrusion.
A solid of extrusion is a body with a fixed cross-sectional profile. In
Facet Modeler there are two ways to create an extrusion body; each way is represented
by a static method. These methods have a common DeviationParams
deviation parameter which represents the accuracy of approximation and
has its default value set to 0.5.
The ways to create an extrusion body are:
static Body extrusion(const Profile2D& rBase, const OdGeVector3d& vDir, const DeviationParams& deviation = FMGeGbl::gDefDev);
static Body extrusion(const Profile2D& rBase, const OdGeMatrix3d& mBasePlane, const OdGeVector3d& vDir, const DeviationParams& deviation = FMGeGbl::gDefDev);
The only difference between these two constructors is that in the second case the transformation matrix is applied during the extrusion, whereas in the first case you would need to apply the matrix after the extrusion operation.
The usage of the first static method is shown below in the cylinder creation example.
To create a cylinder, you can create a base profile and then call the extrusion() method with your profile:
static Body extrusion(const Profile2D& rBase, const OdGeVector3d& vDir, const DeviationParams& deviation = FMGeGbl::gDefDev);
The following code snippet creates a cylinder with a radius dRadius
and height dHeight
Body createCylinder(const DeviationParams& devDeviation, double dRadius, double dHeight)
// Create base profile
Profile2D cBase;
// With one contour
cBase.front().appendVertex(OdGePoint2d::kOrigin - OdGeVector2d::kXAxis * dRadius, 1);
cBase.front().appendVertex(OdGePoint2d::kOrigin + OdGeVector2d::kXAxis * dRadius, 1);
cBase.front().setOrientationAt(0, efoFront);
cBase.front().setOrientationAt(1, efoFront);
// Close profile
// Make contour outer
return Body::extrusion(cBase, OdGeVector3d::kZAxis * dHeight, devDeviation);
To create a pipe, you can create a ring profile and then use the extrusion() method with the ring as the base profile to extrude:
static Body extrusion(const Profile2D& rBase, const OdGeVector3d& vDir, const DeviationParams& deviation = FMGeGbl::gDefDev);
The following code snippet creates a pipe with a major radius dRadius1
, minor radius dRadius2
and height dHeight
Body createPipe1(const DeviationParams& devDeviation, double dRadius1, double dRadius2, double dHeight)
Profile2D circle1;
Profile2D circle2;
Profile2D res;
circle1 = Profile2D(Contour2D::createCircle(OdGePoint2d::kOrigin, dRadius1));
circle2 = Profile2D(Contour2D::createCircle(OdGePoint2d::kOrigin, dRadius2));
Profile2D::PerformOperation(eDifference, circle1, circle2, res);
return Body::extrusion(res, OdGeVector3d::kZAxis * dHeight, devDeviation);
A pipe can also be created from two cylinders of different radii via a difference operation:
Body createPipe2(const DeviationParams& devDeviation, double dRadius1, double dRadius2, double dHeight)
Body cyl1 = createCylinder(devDeviation, dRadius1, dHeight);
Body cyl2 = createCylinder(devDeviation, dRadius2, dHeight);
return Body::boolOper(eDifference, cyl1, cyl2);
To read more about Boolean operations see Perform Boolean Operations.
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