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ODA Drawings SDK
Export Geospatial Data to PDF

ODA Platform exports geospatial data from a drawing to a PDF document according to PDF standards that were introduced in version 2.0 of the PDF format.

The PDF export module exports a map and a coordinate system to provide geospatial measuring in PDF files.

There are two requirements for exporting geodata to PDF:

  • The geographical map in the source drawing cannot be in the "Off" state.
  • The eye direction must be perpendicular to the plane of the geographical map.

For example, the picture below illustrates a regular map in a .dwg file.

To get detailed information about adding geospatial data in a .dwg file, see Working with GEO Functionality. Also see the following examples:

To turn on geospatial data export, set the measuring flag in the export flags by calling the setExportFlags() method of the PDFExportParams class:

PDFExportParams params;

Then set the measuring type to the kGEO value to export the coordinate system to the output PDF document:


Any PDF viewer application that supports the PDF standard should vectorize and process exported geospatial data. For example, to open the Geospatial Location toolbar in Acrobat® Reader®, choose Tools tab, then press the Measure element.

After a PDF document with geospatial data is open, click Geospatial Location Tool to show the panel with coordinates.

See Also

Set Parameters and Flags for PDF Export

Export Measurement Data to PDF

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