C++ / Advanced Developer / Working with .dwg files / Android, iOS, macOS, Linux, Windows, WinCE, WinRT
Note: <INSTALL_DIR> is a directory where
you unpacked the Drawings SDK archive.
OdDbGeoMapPE sample implements the OdDbGeoMapPE class
functionality. The sample implements the updateMapImage() method
for updating a geo-map object.
The updateMapImage() method works correctly only when using the
WORLD-MERCATOR coordinate system for a geo-data entity and when
OdDbGeoData::TypeOfCoordinates is not equal to
The geo-data protocol extension object should be loaded for the
OdDbGeoMapPE module to work.
For all features that require a Bing Maps Key to work properly, make sure
that a system variable named CS_MAP_KEY is created and assigned
the key value. To learn more about Bing Maps Keys, refer to
Getting a Bing Maps Key.
OdDbGeoMapPE module uses third-party libraries:
cURL library — Used for getting map images from the Internet (uses
BING online service). To access the BING service, set your own BING-map
key as a value of the sBingMapsKey global variable.
TinyXML library — Used for working with .xml files.