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ODA Drawings SDK
Working with MPolygon Visualization Settings

This topic provides information about how to use specific system variables to adjust multi-polygon visualization.


Use the POLYDISPLAY system variable to set the multi-polygon drawing mode:

  • 1 — Only the fill of a multi-polygon.
  • 2 — Only the edges of a multi-polygon.
  • All other values (or absence of a value) — Filled multi-polygon with edges.

For example, use the "BRICK" pattern with a multi-polygon that has one valid and one invalid loop.


The valid loop is drawn filled by the pattern and with edges. For the invalid loop, only edges are drawn.


The valid loop is drawn filled by the pattern and without edges. The invalid loop is not drawn.


For both valid and invalid loops, only edges are drawn.

The hatch system variables are also applied to multi-polygons. See Working with Hatch Visualization Settings for details.

See Also

Working with Multi-Polygons

Working with Multi-Polygon Loops

Working with the Loop Direction

Working with Pattern Properties of Multi-Polygons

Examples of Working with Multi-Polygons

Working with Hatch Visualization Settings

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