API Reference
API Reference
details Returns the product of matrix * vect.
Adds an OdBaseDatabaseByResolver object.
Obtais a pointer to the OdDbBaseDatabase object based on the universal object ID.
This external function deletes a class description instance.
Proceeds the export from a hoops file to a drawing database (.dwg or .dxf file).
Returns export to hoops error code description.
Returns the normal to the plane defined by the specified points.
Returns the normal to the plane defined by the specified points.
Returns the plane defined by the specified points.
Returns the plane defined by the specified points.
Determine is direction of 3d curve is the same as direction of curve on surface that can be gotten via 2d parametric curve.
Converts a 3D NURBS curve to a 2D NURBS curve by projecting it onto the specified plane.
Calculates signed volume of a triangulated solid.
Calculates a properties for a specified surface.
Returns the decimal value of a hexadecimal digit.
For internal use only. 
was moved from ExamplesCommontoString
  • details Convert the specified value to an OdGe::EntityId string.

Determine signed area defined by arrPoints array.
Checks topology of a triangulated solid.
Determines whether the polygon is out of the specified rectangle.
This external function creates a new class description instance with specified parameters and returns a raw pointer to it.
Safe for MSVC and hope for others. CoreRegression test should show. 
memory manipulation functions secure (with check params and throw exceptions) 
Returns palette for dark background
  • details Gets the palette for a dark background.

Returns palette for light background
  • details Gets the palette for a light background.

Returns palette for given background
  • details Gets the palette for a given background.

Returns palette for printing
  • details Gets the palette for printing.

Returns color index for given RGB pPalette - palette to perform mapping
  • details Gets the color index for a given RGB.

Returns RGB for given color index pPalette - palette to perform mapping
  • details Gets the RGB values for a given color index.

Returns the global command stack. 
creates error with specified code and custom message 
creates error with specified code and custom message the message may include formatted parameters 
Clears Ge heap. 
Allocates a block of memory.  
Returns the smart pointer to the Dictionary of Registered Classes
This external function creates a new instance of the class specified by the argument as a string and returns a /non-typified smart pointer/ to it.
Creates a new dictionary object that can be modified only from a single thread and returns the smart pointer to it. 
Creates a new dictionary object that can be modified from multiple threads and returns the smart pointer to it. 
Returns the Teigha global dynamic linker. 
Frees a block of memory.  
Reallocates a block of memory.  
Registeres a callback function to be called when a Hyperlink destructor call is detected. This registration allows you to catch the invokation of each Hyperlink destructor.
Returns the smart pointer to the Dictionary of Registered Services. 
Returns the raw pointer to the Root Run-Time Dictionary
Unregisteres a previously registered callback function to be called when a Hyperlink destructor call is detected. 
Removes an OdBaseDatabaseByResolver object.
Const correct safe cast for enumerations. Returns non-NULL only if ValueType is contained in this value.
Const correct safe cast. Returns non-NULL only if ValueType is contained in this value.
Safe cast. Returns non-NULL only if ValueType is contained in this value.
extern OdGePoint3d getBePnt3d(OdUInt8** ppBuff); 
This is missing on some older HP compiler versions. 
Helper structure for initialize OdBrepBuilder. Corresponding C++ library: TD_BrepBuilderFiller  
Helper structure for initialize OdBrepBuilder. Corresponding C++ library: TD_BrepBuilderFiller  
Helper structure for initialize OdBrepBuilder. Corresponding C++ library: TD_BrepBuilderFiller  
Helper structure for initialize OdBrepBuilder. Corresponding C++ library: TD_BrepBuilderFiller  
Helper structure for initialize OdBrepBuilder. Corresponding C++ library: TD_BrepBuilderFiller  
Helper structure for initialize OdBrepBuilder. Corresponding C++ library: TD_BrepBuilderFiller  
This interface is implemented by the value types describing enumerations. 
This interface is implemented by the value types having non-trivial constructor and/or destructor. 
This interface is implemented by the value types describing pointers to OdRxObject descendants. 
This interface is implemented by the value types describing objects that can be "opened"/"closed", like OdDbObjectId in Drawings project. 
This structure implements character properties in an OdGi context. Corresponding C++ library: TD_Root  
This structure represents empty strings used by OdAnsiString.
This class is used to store information about loop and to detect type of loop (inner/outer/undefined).
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Ge
Represents a box in UV-space of a surface.
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Ge
This structure contains string data used by OdAnsiString. 
This structure implements text properties in an OdGi context. Corresponding C++ library: TD_Root  
details This enumeration represents page rendering flags.
Represents bit flags for BrEntity. 
Represents the type of a loop. 
Represents the shell type. 
Represents the validation level. 
Defines the type of color conversion from native Spatial ACIS RGB colors to their corresponding ODA Platform colors. It contains two bits, most right responds for conversion (when 1 - conversion enabled), second respond for replacing the existing (when 1 - created color will replace existing). 
Represents the element shape criteria. 
Defines the types of Hierarchy Tree node. 
Defines versions of the Hierarchy Tree for the Common Data Access API. 
Defines the Asian code page index. 
Represents the B-rep error status. 
This structure provides a namespace for tolerance values and functions ubiquitous to the OdGe library. 
Suppresses the incrementing of the reference counter. 
This structure contains string data used by OdString. 
Defines font type options. 
details This structure represents PDF layers. 
Callback function providing ability for custom class to alter its application name depending on file format version drawing is saved to. 
This type represents the context menu item index. 
Callback type to optionally convert some known property values in OdRxRefersToAttribute::parseReference(). 
Function for initiate execution in the main thread by external process 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for ExFileUndoController object pointers. 
Callback type to customize property retrieval in OdRxRefersToAttribute::parseReference(). 
This type represents functions that get the dynamic dimensions of a grip when it becomes hot or is hovered over. 
This type represents functions that are called when on the certain step of the grip editing operation the input point is received. Used for custom entities. 
This type represents functions that are called when a grip becomes hot or is hovered over. 
This type represents functions that notify about the edit status of a grip. 
This type represents functions that are called when a grip is right-clicked. 
This type represents functions that get the tooltip string of a grip. 
This type represents functions that are called to draw viewport-specific grip's graphics. 
This type represents functions that are called to draw non-viewport-specific grip's graphics. 
Function for execute in the main thread 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdAbstractViewPE object pointers. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class template for OdRxApcQueue object pointers. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class template for OdApcDataReadWriteDispatcher object pointers. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class template for OdApcEvent object pointers. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class template for OdApcGateway object pointers. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class template for OdApcLoopedGateway object pointers. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class template for OdApcQueue object pointers. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class template for OdApcThread object pointers. 
This registration allows you to catch the invoking of each audit info destructor. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdBaseTextIterator object pointers. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdBool objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdByteData object pointers. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdCmEntityColor::OdCmEntityColor objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdCmEntityColor objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdCmTransparency objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdDb::LineWeight objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdDb::UnitsValue objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdDbBaseBlockPE object pointers. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdDbBaseBlockRefPE object pointers. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdDbBaseDatabasePE object pointers. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdDbBaseDatabase object pointers. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdDbBaseFullSubentPath object pointers. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdDbHatchPE object pointers. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdDbBaseLayerPE object pointers. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdDbBaseLayoutPE object pointers. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdDbBaseLongTransactionPE object pointers. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdDbBaseSortEntsPE object pointers. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdDbUnitsFormatter object pointers. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class template for OdDbCustomOsnapMode smart pointers. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class template for OdDbDimData pointers and corresponding memory allocators. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdDbEntityHyperlinkPE object smart pointers. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class template for OdDbGripData pointers. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSharedPtr class template for OdDbGripData shared pointers. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class template for OdDbGripData pointers. 
This type specifies callback functions that are called when a Hyperlink destructor call is detected. Used by the odrxRegisterHyperlinkDestructorCallback() function. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdDbHyperlinkCollection object smart pointers. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdDbSetBasePlotSettingsPE object pointers. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdDbStub object pointers. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdDbUndoController object pointers. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class template for void pointers and corresponding memory allocators. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdDouble objects. 
A data type that represents a smart pointer to an OdDwfxSignatureHandlerModule object. 
A data type that represents a smart pointer to an OdDwfxSignatureHandler object. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdDbUserIO object pointers. 
A data type that represents a smart pointer to an OdEdColorTracker object. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdEdCommandContext object pointers. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdEdCommand object pointers. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdEdCommandStack object pointers. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdEdCommandStackReactor object SmartPointers. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdEdCommandStackReactor object pointers. 
A data type that represents a smart pointer to an OdEdInputTracker object. 
A data type that represents a smart pointer to an OdEdIntegerTracker object. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdEdLispEngineReactor object pointers. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdEdLispEngineReactor object pointers. 
A data type that represents a smart pointer to an OdEdPointDefTracker object. 
A data type that represents a smart pointer to an OdEdPointTracker object. 
A data type that represents a smart pointer to an OdEdRealTracker object. 
A data type that represents a smart pointer to an OdEdStringTracker object. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdExGiRasterImage object pointers. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdFlatMemStream object pointers. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdFont object pointers. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdFontServices object pointers. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdGe::OdGeKnotParameterization objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSharedPtr class template for 2D curves. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class template for 2D curve shared pointers. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class template for 3D curve pointers. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSharedPtr class template for 3D curves. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class template for 3D curve shared pointers. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class template for double precision floating point values. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class double objects. 
Defines a synonym of the fully qualified name. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdGeExtents2d objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdGeExtents3d objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class int objects. 
Defines a synonym of the fully qualified name. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray template for OdGeInterval objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class OdGeLineSeg2d objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdGeMatrix2d objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdGeMatrix3d objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdStack class template for 3D matrices. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdGePoint2d objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdGePoint3d objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdGeQuaternion objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdGeScale3d objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSharedPtr class template for surface. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class template for surface shared pointers. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class template for 2D vectors. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class template for 3D vectors. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for void pointers. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdGiColorRGB objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdGiDefaultContext object pointers. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdGiDgLinetypeModifiers::CornersMode objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdGiDgLinetypeModifiers::ShiftMode objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdGiDgLinetypeModifiers::WidthMode objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdGiDrawable::DrawableType objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdGiEdgeStyle::EdgeModel objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdGiFaceStyle::FaceColorMode objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdGiFilterType objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdGiLightAttenuation::AttenuationType objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdGiLightAttenuation objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdGiLightingMode objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdGiMaterialColor objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdGiMaterialTraits::ChannelFlags objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdGiMaterialTraits::FinalGatherMode objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdGiMaterialTraits::GlobalIlluminationMode objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdGiMaterialTraits::IlluminationModel objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdGiMaterialTraits::LuminanceMode objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdGiMaterialTraits::Mode objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdGiMrDiagnosticBSPMode objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdGiMrDiagnosticMode objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdGiMrDiagnosticPhotonMode objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdGiMrExportMIMode objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdGiMrExposureType objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdGiMrFinalGatheringMode objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdGiMrShadowMode objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdGiMrTileOrder objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdGiRasterImage object pointers. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdGiShadowParameters::ExtendedLightShape objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdGiShadowParameters::ShadowType objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdGiShadowParameters objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdGiSkyParameters objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdGiToneOperatorParameters::ExteriorDaylightMode objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdGiViewportTraits::DefaultLightingType objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for dGiVisualStyle::Type objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdGiVisualStyleProperties::EdgeModel objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdGiVisualStyleProperties::FaceColorMode objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdGsDevice object pointers. 
Integer able to store a pointer (32 or 64 depending on platform) 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdGsMarker objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdDbHandle objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdHatchPatternLine objects. 
This type defines the right-click menu. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdInt16 objects. 
assumes 4-byte int type 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdInt32 objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdInt64 objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdInt8 objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for int objects. 
Integer able to store a pointer (32 or 64 depending on platform) 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdOleItemHandler object pointers. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdOleItemInitStream object pointers. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdOleStorage object pointers. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdPdf2ImageConverter object pointers. 
details This type represents the array of PDF layers. 
A data type that represents a shared pointer to an OdPointCloudConverterParams object. 
A data type that represents a shared pointer to an OdPointCloudConverter object. 
A data type that represents a shared pointer to an OdPointCloudDataSource object. 
Shared pointer to objects of the OdPointCloudProjectDatabase class. 
Shared pointer to objects of the OdPointCloudScanDatabase class. 
Shared pointer to objects of the OdPointCloudScanIterator class. 
A data type that represents a smart pointer to an OdPrcContextForPdfExport object. 
A data type that represents a smart pointer to an OdPrcContextForPdfExportWrapper object. 
Defines OdPseudoConstructorType as a function pointer type. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdPsPlotStyle object pointers. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdPsPlotStyleServices object pointers. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdPsPlotStyleTable class for OdAveScene object pointers. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdRasterConvertPE object pointers. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdRasterProcessingServices object pointers. 
Shared pointer to objects of the OdRcsDataManager class. 
Shared pointer to objects of the OdRcsPointDataIterator class. 
Shared pointer to objects of the OdRcsVisibleVoxelsIterator class. 
Shared pointer to objects of the OdRcsVoxelIterator class. 
Shared pointer to objects of the OdRcsVoxel class. 
Smart pointer to objects of the OdRxAttribute class. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class template for OdRxClass object pointers. 
The typified smart pointer for the dictionary iterator. It is the template class created by the OdSmartPtr class. 
The typified smart pointer for the dictionary object. This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdRxDictionary object. 
Smart pointer to objects of the OdRxDynamicAttribute class. 
Smart pointer to objects of the OdRxDynamicCollectionAttribute class. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdRxDynamicLinker pointers. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdRxEnumTag object pointers. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdRxFacetProvider object pointers. 
The typified smart pointer for the OdRxIterator object. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSharedPtr class for OdRxMemberIterator object pointers. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdRxMember object pointers. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdRxModelHierarchyTreeBase objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdRxModelHierarchyTreeBasePtr objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdRxModelTreeBaseNode objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdRxModelTreeBaseNodePtr objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdRxModelTreeBaseNode objects. 
The typified smart pointer for the rx-module object (TX module). This template class is specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for the OdRxModule class. 
This registration allows you to catch the invoking of each RxObject destructor. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class template for OdRx object pointers. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdRxPdfToRasterServices object pointers. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdRxProtocolReactorManager object pointers. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdRxProtocolReactorListIterator object pointers. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdRxProtocolReactorList object pointers. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdRxProtocolReactorManager object pointers. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdRxRasterServices object pointers. 
Smart pointer to objects of the OdRxRcsFileServices class. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdRxSystemServices object pointers. 
Definition of the OdRxValue pseudoconstructor. 
Smart pointer to objects of the OdRxValueType class. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdSelectionSetIterator object pointers. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdSelectionSet object pointers. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdSiSpatialIndex object pointers. 
A data type that represents a shared pointer to an OdSourcePointIterator object. 
A data type that represents a shared pointer to an OdSourcePoint object. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdStreamBuf object pointers. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdTimeStamp objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdUInt16 objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdUInt32 objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdUInt64 objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for OdUInt8 objects. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdDbUnitsFormatter object pointers. 
A data type that represents a smart pointer to an PdfExportGiDrawablePE object. 
A data type that represents a smart pointer to an PdfExportLayerPE object. 
A data type that represents a smart pointer to an PdfExportServiceInterface object. 
A data type that represents a map of stream buffers. 
This template class is a specialization of the OdArray class for BrepBuilderErrorsHolder objects. 
Defines VectorDerivArray type. 
Defines the size of derivatives array. 
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