API Reference > Structs, Records, Enums > PdfConversionFlags Enumeration
PdfConversionFlags Enumeration
enum PdfConversionFlags { kAnnotations = 1, kLCDText = 2, kNoNativeText = 4, kGrayScale = 8, kReverseByteOrder = 16, kDebugInfo = 128, kNoCatch = 256, kLimitImageCache = 512, kForceHalfTone = 1024, kPrinting = 2048, kDisableAAforText = 4096, kDisableAAforImage = 8192, kDisableAAforGeom = 16384 };


kAnnotations = 1 
Set if annotations are to be rendered. 
kLCDText = 2 
Set if using text rendering optimized for LCD display. 
kNoNativeText = 4 
Don't use the native text output available on some platforms. 
kGrayScale = 8 
Grayscale output. 
kReverseByteOrder = 16 
Set whether to render in a reverse Byte order. 
kDebugInfo = 128 
Set if you want to get some debug info. 
kNoCatch = 256 
Set if you don't want to catch exceptions. 
kLimitImageCache = 512 
Limit image cache size. 
kForceHalfTone = 1024 
Always use halftone for image stretching. 
kPrinting = 2048 
Render for printing. 
kDisableAAforText = 4096 
Set to disable anti-aliasing on text. 
kDisableAAforImage = 8192 
Set to disable anti-aliasing on images. 
kDisableAAforGeom = 16384 
Set to disable anti-aliasing on geometry (pdf paths). 

details This enumeration represents page rendering flags. 


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