API Reference > OdGe Classes > OdGeSphere Class
OdGeSphere Class
class OdGeSphere : public OdGeSurface;


This class represents spheres.

A sphere is defined by its

  • radius
  • center
  • northAxis
  • refAxis

northAxis defines the direction from the center to the north pole. 

refAxis, a vector orthogonal to northAxis, the prime meridian. 

Latitude is defined by the U parameter, which defaults to [-OdaPI/2, OdaPI/2] for closed spheres. The lower bound maps to the south pole, zero maps to the equator, and the upper bound maps to the north pole. 

Longitude is defined by the V parameter, which defaults to [-OdaPI, OdaPI) for closed spheres. Zero corresponds to the meridian defined by the refAxis of this sphere. Applying the right hand rule along the northAxis defines the increasing direction for V. However, if isReverseV() is true, the increasing direction for V is defined by the left hand rule. 

The sphere is periodic in V with a period of Oda2PI. 

[umin, umax] by [vmin, vmax] defines a spherical patch with 4 sides bounded by 2 longitudinal arcs and 2 latitudinal arcs. 

The following constraints apply when defining a patch. 

  • umin < umax and |umin - umax| <= OdaPI.
  • vmin < vmax and |vmin - vmax| <= Oda2PI.

Corresponding C++ library: TD_Ge 


This is the overview for the OdGeSphere constructor overload. 
Returns the center of this sphere. 
Retrieves the start and end longitude.
Retrieves the start and end latitude.
Checks if this sphere intersects with a line entity, and returns the number of intersections and the points of intersection.
Checks if the equator is a full circle.
Checks if the normal to this surface is pointing outward. 
Checks whether V parameter is increasing in clockwise direction around northAxis. 
Returns the direction to the north pole of this sphere. 
Returns the location of the north pole. 
Returns the radius of this sphere. 
Returns the reference axis of this sphere. 
This is the overview for the set method overload. 
Sets the starting and ending longitudes.
Sets the starting and ending latitudes.
Sets the radius of this sphere.
Specifies whether the V parameter should be measured clockwise around northAxis, rather than counterclockwise.
Returns the location of the south pole. 
Assignment operator for the OdGeSphere class.
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