API Reference > OdGe Classes > OdGeSurface Class
OdGeSurface Class
class OdGeSurface : public OdGeEntity3d;


This class is the base class for all OdGe parametric surfaces. 

Corresponding C++ library: TD_Ge 


This is the overview for the closestPointTo method overload. 
Returns the distance to the point on this curve closest to the specified point.
This is the overview for the evalPoint method overload. 
Returns the point on this surface closest to the specified point.
This is the overview for the getEnvelope method overload. 
Returns bounding box of the whole surface or a part of it. The box is axis-aligned in the specified local coordinate system. It is guaranteed to enclose the surface, but not guaranteed to be tight/minimal.
Finds all poles of surface. Surface envelope not considered. In case of NurbSurface extreme points of envelope are checked. Input arrays may be not empty. In this case new poles will be written to the ends of the arrays.
Returns true if and only if this surface is closed in the U direction.
Returns true if and only if this surface is closed in the V direction.
Checks orientation of the surface.
Checks normal direction. 
Determines if the passed point is on this surface and retrieves a 2D point that represents parametric values for the passed 3D point if it is on this surface.
This is the overview for the makeIsoparamCurve method overload. 
This is the overview for the paramOf method overload. 
Projects a point onto this surface.
Reverses the normal of this surface. 
Set the rectangle in parameter space that defines the parameter domain of this surface. 
Assignment operator for the OdGeSurface class.
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