API Reference > OdGe Classes > OdGeMatrix2d Class
OdGeMatrix2d Class
class OdGeMatrix2d;


This class represents 2D transformation matrices that define affine ( translation, rotation, and/or scaling ) transformations.

OdGeMatrix2d may be viewed as an array[3][3] of doubles. 

An OdGeMatrix2d, M, can be expressed as a 3 x 3 matrix*, in the form 


a00 a01 t0 a10 a11 t1 0 0 1


The linear part of M is the matrix 


a00 a01 a10 a11


The translational part of M is the column 


t0 t1


The origin of the coordinate system of M is (t0, t1). 

Corresponding C++ library: TD_Ge 


Default constructor for the OdGeMatrix2d class. 
Matrix data by rows. 
The identity matrix. 
Returns the matrix which maps the coordinate system defined by fromOrigin, fromXAxis, and fromYAxis, to the coordinate system defined by toOrigin, toXAxis, and toYAxis.
Returns the determinant of this matrix. 
Returns the origin, X-axis, and Y-axis of the coordinate system to which this matrix maps the WCS.
Returns the inverse of this matrix. 
Sets this matrix to its inverse, and returns a reference to this matrix. 
Returns true if an only if this matrix is conformal (isUniScaledOrtho()), and returns the scale factor, angle of rotation, the presence of a mirror component to the matrix, and the direction of reflection.
Returns true if and only if matrix is identical to this one, within the specified tolerance.
Returns true if and only the column vectors of the linear part of this matrix are perpendicular to each other within the specified tolerance.
Checks whether this matrix is singular.
Returns true if and only the columns vectors of the linear part of this matrix are of equal length and perpendicular to each other within the specified tolerance.
This is the overview for the mirroring method overload. 
Sets this matrix to the product (this matrix) * rightSide, and returns a reference to this matrix.
Sets this matrix to the product leftSide * (this matrix), and returns a reference to this matrix.
Returns the matrix which rotates by angle about center.
Returns the scale factor of this matrix. 
Returns the matrix which scales by scale about center.
Sets this matrix to the matrix which maps the WCS to the coordinate system defined by origin, X-axis, and Y-axis, and returns a reference to this matrix.
Sets this matrix to the matrix which maps the coordinate system defined by fromOrigin, fromXAxis, and fromYAxis, to the coordinate system defined by toOrigin, toXAxis, and toYAxis, and returns a reference to this matrix.
Sets this matrix to the identity matrix, and returns a reference to this matrix. 
This is the overview for the setToMirroring method overload. 
Sets this matrix to the product matrix1 * matrix2, and returns a reference to this matrix.
Sets this matrix to the matrix which rotates by angle about center, and returns a reference to this matrix.
Sets this matrix to the matrix which scales by scale about center, and returns a reference to this matrix.
Sets this matrix to the matrix which translates by vect, and returns a reference to this matrix.
Sets the translation part of the matrix to the specified vector.
This is the overview for the translation method overload. 
Returns the transpose of this matrix. 
Sets this matrix to its transpose, and returns a reference to this matrix. 
Inequality operator.
This is the overview for the () operator overload. 
Returns the product (this matrix) * matrix.
This is the overview for the [] operator overload. 
Equality operator.
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