API Reference > OdGe Classes > OdGeCurveBoundary Class > OdGeCurveBoundary Methods > OdGeCurveBoundary::getContour Method
OdGeCurveBoundary::getContour Method
void getContour(int& numCurves, OdGeEntity3d*** crv3d, OdGeCurve2d*** crv2d, bool** orientation3d, bool** orientation2d) const;
int& numCurves 
[out] Receives the number of curves in the curve boundary.  
OdGeEntity3d*** crv3d 
[out] Receives an array of 3D curves for each element in the curve boundary.  
OdGeCurve2d*** crv2d 
[out] Receives an array of 2D curves for each element in the curve boundary.  
bool** orientation3d 
[out] Receives an array of orientation flags for each 3D curve element. Valid only if crv3d is not NULL; if NULL, the caller must delete allocated memory that was intended for numCurves.  
bool** orientation2d 
[out] Receives an array of orientation flags for each 2D curve element. Valid only if crv2d is not NULL; if NULL, the caller must delete allocated memory that was intended for numCurves. 

Returns the paramaters for the curve boundary. 


For each array, provide memory for the array or allow getCountour to allocate it, and delete the elements of the array. If an array is NULL, getCountour allocates memory and the caller must also delete the corresponding array.

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