API Reference > OdGe Classes > OdGeCurve2d Class
OdGeCurve2d Class
class OdGeCurve2d : public OdGeEntity2d;


This class is the base class for all OdGe 2D curves. 

Corresponding C++ library: TD_Ge 


This is the overview for the appendSamplePoints method overload. 
Gets the area of the interval of the curve defined by startParam and endParam.  
This is the overview for the boundBlock method overload. 
This is the overview for the closestPointTo method overload. 
This is the overview for the convertTo3d method overload. 
This is the overview for the distanceTo method overload. 
This is the overview for the evalPoint method overload. 
Explodes the curve into its component sub-curves.  
This is the overview for the getClosestPointTo method overload. 
Returns bounding box of the whole curve or a part of it. The box is axis-aligned in the specified local coordinate system. It is guaranteed to enclose the curve, but not guaranteed to be tight/minimal.
This is the overview for the getInterval method overload. 
This is the overview for the getLocalClosestPoints method overload. 
Finds the point on the input curve whose normal passes through the input point.  
This is the overview for the getSamplePoints method overload. 
Returns two segments that are obtained by splitting the curve at the input parameter value.  
Retrieves one or more trimmed offset curves.
Returns true, and the end point, if and only if the parametric interval of the curve has an upper bound.
Checks the boundaries of the curve interval and calculates a point from the curve interval that corresponds to the specified coefficient.
Returns true, and the start point, if and only if the parametric interval of the curve has a lower bound.
Returns true if and only if the curve is closed within the specified tolerance.
This is the overview for the isDegenerate method overload. 
Checks if this curve is linear.  
This is the overview for the isOn method overload. 
Determines if the curve is periodic.  
This is the overview for the length method overload. 
Calculates a point from the curve interval that corresponds to the specified coefficient.
This is the overview for the orthoBoundBlock method overload. 
Returns the parameter value of the point whose arc length distance is the input length.  
This is the overview for the paramOf method overload. 
Restores a 2D parametric curve on a surface from a 3D curve.
Reverses the parameter direction of this curve.
This is the overview for the setInterval method overload. 
The assignment operator for objects of the OdGeCurve2d class.  
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