API Reference > OdBr Classes > OdBrEntity Class > OdBrEntity Methods > OdBrEntity::getMassProps Method
OdBrEntity::getMassProps Method
OdBrErrorStatus getMassProps(OdBrMassProps& massProps, const double& dDensity = dUnspecified, const double& dTolRequired = dUnspecified, double& dTolAchieved = dUnspecified) const;
OdBrMassProps& massProps 
[out] Mass properties of the entity.  
const double& dDensity = dUnspecified 
[in] Density for calculating mass properties of the entity.  
const double& dTolRequired = dUnspecified 
[in] Tolerance required for the result of the calculation.  
double& dTolAchieved = dUnspecified 
[out] Tolerance achieved in the calculation. 

Value of the OdBrErrorStatus type.

Provides the mass properties for the entity. The mass properties are returned as an instance of OdBrMassProps structure. The density is used for the mass properties scaling and is the analogue of the physical value of the density of materials. The mass properties are applicable for those entities, that represent topology objects having the volume property. 


If density is not specified (dUnspecified), the default value is 1. If the mass properties are not applicable to the entity, odbrNotApplicable is returned. If an error occurs, the value of the mass properties argument remains unchanged.

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