This class is the interface base class for BREP topology objects.
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Br
Name |
Description |
Destructor for objects of the OdBrEntity class. |
Name |
Description |
Validates the element. | |
Calculates the entity geometric bounds. | |
Returns the owner of this entity object. | |
Returns the flags of the object. | |
Gets the Gs marker. | |
Gets the number of line containment hits and the array of contexted hit objects. | |
Provides the mass properties for the entity. The mass properties are returned as an instance of OdBrMassProps structure. The density is used for the mass properties scaling and is the analogue of the physical value of the density of materials. The mass properties are applicable for those entities, that represent topology objects having the volume property. | |
Provides the perimeter length of the entity as a double value. The perimeter length property is applicable for most entities, that represent plane figures and some 3D figures. | |
Gets the point containment and the corresponding container entity. | |
Returns the FullSubentPath of this entity object. | |
Provides the surface area of the entity as a double value. The surface area property is applicable for most entities, that represent volumetric figures. | |
Returns the unique ID of the object. | |
Gets the validation level. | |
Provides the volume of the entity as a double value. The volume property is applicable for most entities, that represent volumetric figures. | |
Returns true if and only if the specified entity object is equivalent to this entity object. | |
Returns true if and only if there is no ACIS model associated with this entity object. | |
This method is for internal use only. Use OdDbBody::setSubentPath() instead. | |
Sets the validation level. |
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