API Reference > Functions > SDAI
Retrieves the primitive type (domain) of a specified attribute.  
Creates a new repository with a specified name within the current SDAI session.  
Creates a new repository from a specified file within the current SDAI session.  
Retrieves the specified attribute's type.  
Retrieves an application instance by its identifier  
Retrieves the identifier of a specified entity.  
Retrieves the file description instance of the specified repository's header section.  
Retrieves the file name instance of the specified repository's header section.  
Retrieves the current access mode for a specified SDAI-model.  
Saves a specified repository to a file.  
Opens a specified model in a specified mode.  
Opens a specified model in a specified mode. The model is specified by its repository and name.  
Adds a new member to an unordered aggregate (set/bag) instance.  
Adds a model to a specified schema instance.  
Adds a model to a specified schema instance.  
Sets the position of a specified iterator to the first element of the aggregate instance.  
Closes a specified repository.  
Closes a specified session.  
Creates an Attribute Data Block (ADB) instance with a specified type and value presets.  
Creates an aggregate in a specified application instance attribute.  
Creates an aggregate stored in an attribute data block (ADB) in a specified application instance attribute.  
Creates an aggregate stored in an attribute data block (ADB) in a specified application instance attribute.  
Creates an aggregate in a specified application instance attribute.  
Creates an empty attribute data block (ADB) instance.  
Creates an application instance within an associated model.  
Creates an application instance within an associated model.  
Creates an iterator for traversing through the aggregate elements.  
Creates a new SDAI model instance.  
Creates a new SDAI model instance.  
Creates a nested aggregate in a specified aggregate.  
Creates a nested aggregate in a specified aggregate.  
Creates a nested aggregate instance within a specified aggregate instance at the position specified by the index.  
Creates a nested aggregate instance stored in an attribute data block within a specified aggregate instance at the position specified by the index.  
Creates an aggregate instance that replaces the current member of an aggregate instance referenced by a specified iterator.  
Creates an aggregate instance that replaces the current member of an aggregate instance referenced by a specified iterator.  
Creates an instance of the Non-Persistent List (empty unbounded list of entity instances).  
Creates a new SDAI schema instance.  
Creates a new SDAI schema instance.  
Deletes a specified Attribute Data Block (ADB) instance.  
Deletes a specified instance.  
Deletes a specified iterator.  
Deletes a specified model.  
Deletes a specified model.  
Deletes an instance of the Non-Persistent List.  
Deletes a specified schema instance.  
Deletes a specified schema instance.  
Moves the current position of a specified iterator to the end of the aggregate.  
Ends the access to the model.  
Creates a complex instance with the specified name.  
The Error Query function that returns the error code of the most recently unsuccessfully called SDAI function.  
Creates a copy of a specified application instance (origin) within a specified model. The created copy contains the same attributes as the origin one.  
Retrieves the identifiers of the attributes of entity instances referencing the specified entity instance.
Retrieves the identifier of all SdaiNamedType data dictionary instances of which the specified entity instance is a member.
Retrieves the identifiers of all the entity instances in the model data that reference the curent entity instance by the specified attribute.
Retrieves the identifiers of all the entity instances in the model data that reference the curent entity instance by the specified attribute name.
Retrieves the identifiers of all the entity instances in the model that reference the current entity instance.
Retrieves the type of the value stored in the attributed data block (ADB).  
Retrieves the current type path for a specified attribute data block (ADB).  
Retrieves the value of a specified type from the attribute data block (ADB).  
Retrieves an aggregate value by its index.  
Retrieves the value of the current element referenced by a specified iterator.  
Retrieves the bound of an aggregate element by its index.  
Retrieves the aggregate element bound from a specified iterator.  
Retrieves all attribute values from a specified application instance.  
Retrieves the value of an attribute from an entity instance.  
Retrieves the value of an attribute from an entity instance.  
Retrieves the definition of a specified attribute.  
Retrieves the definition of a specified attribute.  
Retrieves attribute values from a specified application instance.  
Retrieves attribute values from a specified application instance.  
Returns an entity specified by its name.  
Retrieves a collection of entity instances that are subtypes of entity type described by entity definition.  
Retrieves a collection of entity instances that are subtypes of the entity type.  
Retrieves the identifier of the SDAI model that contains the entity instance.  
Retrieves the SDAI type of a specified entity instance.  
Retrieves the lower bound of a specified aggregate element.  
Retrieves the lower index for a specified array.  
Retrieves the number of elements contained in a specified aggregate.  
Retrieves a schema with a specified name.  
Retrieves a schema instance with a specified name from a specified repository.  
Retrieves the upper bound of a specified aggregate element.  
Retrieves the upper index for a specified array.  
Inserts a new value into an application instance list after the element referenced by a specified iterator.  
Inserts a new value into an application instance list before the element referenced by a specified iterator.  
Inserts a new value into an application instance list on a position specified by an index value.  
Inserts a new nested aggregate value into an application instance list after the element referenced by a specified iterator.  
Inserts a new nested aggregate value into an application instance list after the element referenced by a specified iterator.  
Inserts a new nested aggregate value into an application instance list before the element referenced by a specified iterator.  
Inserts a new nested aggregate value into an application instance list before the element referenced by a specified iterator.  
Inserts a new nested aggregate value into an application instance list at the position specified by an index.  
Inserts a new nested aggregate value into an application instance list at the position specified by an index.  
The Is Equal function determines whether two specified SDAI instancies are identical or not.  
Determines whether an application instance is an instance of a specified type.  
Determines whether a specified application instance belongs to a specified type.  
Determines whether a specified application instance is a kind of a specified type.  
Determines whether a specified application instance is a kind of a specified type.  
Determines whether a specified aggregate contains a specified element.  
Retrieves the current recording flag value. The recording flag determines whether the recording is on or off.  
Determines whether a specified SDAI data type is a kind of a specified type.  
Determines whether a specified SDAI data type is a kind of a specified type.  
Determines whether a specified SDAI data type is a subtype of another SDAI data type (supertype).  
Determines whether a specified SDAI data type is a subtype of another SDAI data type (supertype).  
Determines whether an entity definition is a subtype of another entity definition.  
Determines whether an entity definition is a subtype of another entity definition.  
The Logical Compare function that compares two values according to the ordering of the values of the EXPRESS LOGICAL data type.  
Creates a copy of a specified application instance (origin). The created copy contains the same attributes and is associated with the same model object as the origin one.  
Moves the position of a specified iterator to the next element in the aggregate instance.  
Opens the specified repository.  
Opens the specified repository.  
Initiates the SDAI functionality implementation and starts a new SDAI session.  
Moves the current position of a specified iterator to the previous aggregate item.  
Promotes access in the read-write mode for a specified model.  
Specifies the type path for an attribute data block (ADB). The type path consists of an array of strings that defines the path in the nested SELECT types hierarchy.  
Stores the value (or values) of a specified type to the attribute data block(ADB).  
Sets a new value (with possible coversion if necessary) for a member fo a specified ordered aggregate instance referenced by a specified index.  
Sets new values to an aggregate instance that is referenced by a specified iterator.  
Set a new value of the application instance attribute.  
Set a new value of the application instance attribute.  
Sets new values to specified application instance attributes.  
Sets new values to specified application instance attributes.  
Records event within a specified SDAI session.  
Reindexes the elements of a specified array.  
Removes a member from an unordered aggregate (set/bag) instance.  
Removes an aggregate instance that is referenced by a specified iterator.  
Removes a list element specified with an index value.  
Removes a specified model from a schema instance.  
Removes a specified model from a schema instance.  
Renames the model.  
Renames the model.  
Renames a specified schema instance.  
Renames a specified schema instance.  
Resets the index for a specified array: changes the lower and upper bounds of the index value.  
The Restore Error Handler function removes the most recently added error handling function from the top of the error handling stack.  
Saves changes made within a specified model.  
The Set Error Handler function appends a specified error handling function to the stack of SDAI error handlers. Stack structure assumes that when an error occurs, the most recently appended function is called. If the called function can not handle the error, the control is passed to the next handler function in the stack.  
Switches the event recording on or off for a specified SDAI session.  
Determines whether the element value in a specified array is set.  
Determines whether the element value in a specified array is set. The element of the array is determined with an iterator object.  
Determines whether the value of a specified attribute is unset.  
Determines if the value of attribute is unset.  
Reverts changes made within a specified model.  
Unsets the type and value of the specified attribute data block (ADB).  
Restores a specified attribute in a specified application instance to the unset state.  
Restores a specified attribute in a specified application instance to the unset state.  
Unsets a specified element of the application instances array.  
Unsets a specified element of the application instances array.  
Validates whether the aggregate size constraints defined in the data dictionary for the specified application instance are satisfied. Retrieves the non-persistent list of attributes with unsatisfied size constraints, if found.  
Validates whether mandatory inverse attributes of the specified instance are set. Retrieves the non-persistent list of unset attributes, if found.  
Validates whether all STRING-valued attributes of the specified application instance are of a valid width. Retrieves the non-persistent list of attributes with invalid width, if found.  
Validates whether all inverse attribute constraints defined in the specified application instance are satisfied. Retrieves the non-persistent list (NPL) of attributes that do not conform to validation, if found.  
Determines whether the specified where rule is satisfied by the specified application instance.  
Determines whether the where rule with specified name is satisfied by the specified application instance.  
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