API Reference > Functions

The following table lists functions in this documentation.

Creates shape representations for each provided GiDrawable entity and returns the array of identifiers for every newly created shape representation to the calling subroutine. Every newly created shape representation is assigned to a specified representation context.  
Creates a shape representation of a specified GiDrawable entity inside a specified model and associates it with a specified representation context.  
Initializes BCF SDK functionality.  
De-initializes BCF SDK functionality.  
Returns a smart pointer to a schema definition by the name of the schema. If the schema isn't supported (or isn't registered in schemas dictionary), NULL will be returned.
Prints formatted string in console window. 
Unregisters a schema-dependent module.
Initializes IFC SDK functionality.  
details Retrieves whether the Common Data Access functionality is initialized for ODA IFC SDK.  
Auxiliary function to display different messages.
Closes currently opened session. remarks The function is thread-safe. 
Returns a smart pointer to a newly created session, if session wasn't created before. remarks The function is thread-safe. 
Returns a smart pointer to currently opened session. remarks The function is thread-safe. 
Unregisters all schema-dependent modules. 
Initializes IFC SDK Modeler functionality.  
details Retrieves whether the IFC geometry module is loaded and initialized.  
Retrieves whether IFC SDK functionality has already been initialized.  
Auxiliary function to display different messages.
De-initializes IFC SDK functionality.  
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