API Reference > Functions > odIfcInitialize Function
odIfcInitialize Function
IFCCORE_EXPORT OdResult odIfcInitialize(bool initCDA = true, bool initIfcGeomResource = true, ModelerType modelerType = kDefaultModeler);


bool initCDA = true 
[in] A flag that determines whether Common Data Access (CDA) functionality should be provided for IFC data.  
bool initIfcGeomResource = true 
[in] A flag that determines whether geometry resources are initialized as well (if equal to true) or not (if equal to false).  
ModelerType modelerType = kDefaultModeler 
[in] A type of modeler that should be used for geometry creation.  

Returns eOk if IFC SDK was successfully initialized; otherwise, the function returns an appropriate error code.

Initializes IFC SDK functionality.

The function checks whether all needed modules are loaded and loads them if they are not. If at least one of the necessary modules is not loaded, the function returns the eNullPtr error code. It the bInitIfcGeomResource parameter value is equal to false, the IFC geometry library is unavailable, therefore the model cannot be visualized. In this mode only data management functionality is available.

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