API Reference > Classes > PRC Files, Structures and Assemblies
PRC Files, Structures and Assemblies
The class that allows to store and manage parameters for three-dimensional tessellation data in decompressed format. 

Class implements base functionality for working with audit log files. 

Class implements functionality for working with audit log files. 

Class representing information for filtering by entities. 
Class representing information for an entity filtered by layer. 

Class implements .prc file functionality. A .prc file contains a collection of the .prc file structure, one model file, and one header. 

Class implements a controller for .prc file content. 

Class implements .prc file settings. 

Class implements a .prc file structure. Each .prc file structure consists of the following parts:  

Class implements exact geometry and topology data of the leaf items of the file structure tree. Exact geometry consists of an array of topological contexts. A topological context contains an array of boundary representation bodies. Each exact geometry or topological entity belongs to only one context. 

Class implements file structure geometry. File structure geometry contains exact geometry and user defined data. 

Class stores global data of a file structure. Global data contains coordinate systems, colors, line styles, and references to other file structures for each entity in the file structure. 

Class represents an implementation of internal data of a .prc file structure. Internal data of the file structure contains an identifier of the root product occurrence and the current available unique index for assigning entities that can be referenced within the file structure. 

Class stores tessellation data of the file structure. 

Class implements a file structure tree. A file structure tree contains a hierarchy of nodes representing product occurrences, part definitions, representation items, and markups. 

Class stores information about the filtering of sub-parts inside a complex part. 

Class stores information about imported data from a CAD file. 

Class representing a part definition. It consists of a bounding box and views with annotations or specific display parameters. 

Class stores product occurrence information. 

Class representing an assembly tree. 
The structure stores information of a view assigned with a assembly node. 
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