API Reference > Classes > PRC Files, Structures and Assemblies > OdPrcProductOccurrence Class
OdPrcProductOccurrence Class
class OdPrcProductOccurrence : public OdPrcBaseWithGraphics;



Class representing an assembly tree.

Destroys an instance of a PRC entity. 
OdPrcProductOccurrence Class
Destroys the assembly tree object. 
This is the overview for the attributeData method overload. 
Returns the OdGsCache object currently assigned to the PRC entity. 
Returns the PRC entity ID. 
Returns whether the PRC entity is persistent (true) or not (false). 
This is the overview for the name method overload. 
Returns the type of the PRC entity. 
Assigns the specified OdGsCache to the PRC entity.
OdPrcReferencedBase Class
Returns the current CAD identifier for the PRC object. 
Returns the current persistent CAD identifier for the PRC object. 
Returns an explicit unique name for "this" entity that can be referenced through PDF or JavaScript. In the case of error, it returns an empty string.
Returns the current object identifier for the object. 
Returns true if the object is persistent or false in the other case. 
Returns the PRC object identifier. 
Sets a new CAD identifier value for the PRC object.  
Sets a new persistent CAD identifier value for the PRC object.  
Sets a new PRC object identifier.  
OdPrcBaseWithGraphics Class
Returns current behavior bit field. The behavior bit field controls visibility and removal of the entity. 
Returns the identifier of the current material. 
Returns the current value of the true color.
This is the overview for the graphics method overload. 
Returns the current layer index. 
Sets a new value of the behavior bit field. The behavior bit field controls visibility and removal of the entity.
Sets a new layer index.
This is the overview for the styleId method overload. 
OdPrcProductOccurrence Class
This is the overview for the annotationViews method overload. 
This is the overview for the displayFilter method overload. 
This is the overview for the entityFilter method overload. 
This is the overview for the entityReference method overload. 
Returns the current external data of the product assembly tree. 
Returns the current location of the product assembly tree represented by a 3D transformation object. 
Returns the current part definition for the product assembly tree. 
Returns the current location of the product occurrence. 
This is the overview for the markups method overload. 
Returns the current product occurrence behavior value. 
This is the overview for the productInformation method overload. 
This is the overview for the referencesOfProductOccurrence method overload. 
This is the overview for the sceneDisplayParameters method overload. 
Sets a new location which moves entities in the product occurrence to its parent space.
Sets a new product behavior value. The behavior value contains different flags for the product occurrence.
This is the overview for the userData method overload. 
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