API Reference > Classes > PRC Files, Structures and Assemblies > OdPrcFileStructure Class
OdPrcFileStructure Class
class OdPrcFileStructure : public OdDbBaseDatabase;



Class implements a .prc file structure. Each .prc file structure consists of the following parts:

Contains common information about the file structure. 
Contains information about entities that have been changed between the minimum format version for reading and original author format version. 
Tree of items 
Description of the items tree. Each item can be a product occurrence, a part definition, a representation item, or a markup. 
Tessellation data 
Contains tessellated data in the leaf items of the structure tree. 
Global data 
Coordinate systems, colors, line styles, and other file structures referenced in this file structure. 
Exact geometry 
Exact geometry and topology data of the leaf items of the structure tree. 
Extra geometry 
Geometry summary information which can be loaded partially without loading all the geometry. 
Destroys the file structure. 
This is the overview for the addObject method overload. 
This is the overview for the applicationId method overload. 
Returns the current authoring version. 
This is the overview for the fileStructureGeometry method overload. 
This is the overview for the fileStructureGlobals method overload. 
This is the overview for the fileStructureId method overload. 
This is the overview for the fileStructureTessellation method overload. 
This is the overview for the fileStructureTree method overload. 
Returns the PRC object identifier for a database element specified with a handle.
Returns the current minimum version for reading. 
Returns the current object identifier for the file structure. 
Reads extra geometry data from a specified input stream.
This is the overview for the schema method overload. 
Sets a new PRC object identifier for the file structure.
Sets a new value of the minimum read version and the authoring version.
This is the overview for the uncompressedFiles method overload. 
Writes extra geometry data of the file structure to a specified output stream.
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