API Reference > Classes > PRC Surface Classes
PRC Surface Classes Classes
PRC Surface Classes  Legend

Class stores information about a surface, which is defined by a center curve, origin curve, and tangent curve. 

Class stores information about a surface, which is defined by rolling a ball with a constant radius over the center curve and contacting two surfaces. 

Class stores information about a fillet surface, which is defined by a center curve, two rail curves, and an angle curve. 

Class implements a conical surface. The axis of this surface lies along the z-axis. 

Class representing additional information about a surface, for example, name of surface and attributes and how the surface extends past its boundary. 

Class representing a definition of a cylinder. The axis of this surface lies along the z-axis. 

Class representing a definition of a cylindrical surface represented in a cylindrical coordinate system. The axis of this surface lies along the z-axis. 

Class representing an extruded surface with a base curve that is extruded along a sweep vector. 

Class stores information about a ruled surface, which is defined by two curves that have points connected by lines. 

Class stores information about a rational b-spline surface. 

Class stores information about a surface that is defined by a surface that is offset along its normal by a given distance. 

Class representing a planar surface as the XY plane with a canonical definition. 

Class representing a surface of revolution. A base curve that revolves around an axis of revolution defines this surface. 

Class represents a ruled surface defined by connecting points on each of two curves by a straight line. 

Class stores information about a surface that is defined with a sphere centered at the origin. 

Base class of surfaces. 

Class representing a torus centred at the origin. The major axis of this surface is placed in the XY plane. 

Class representing a surface that is defined by a 3D mathematical transformation applied to a base surface. 
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