API Reference > Classes > PRC Surface Classes > OdPrcBlend03Surface Class
OdPrcBlend03Surface Class
class OdPrcBlend03Surface : public OdPrcSurface;



Class stores information about a fillet surface, which is defined by a center curve, two rail curves, and an angle curve.

Destroys the surface object. 
OdPrcBlend03Surface Class
Destructor of Blend03Surface. 
This is the overview for the contentSurface method overload. 
Creates new surface data from a OdGeSurface entity.
Returns the current matrix of the 3D transformation. 
Returns the current surface geometry data.
Reads surface data from a specified compressed filer stream, creates a surface, and returns a smart pointer to it.
Reads surface array data from a specified compressed filer stream, creates surfaces, and returns an array of smart pointers to the created surfaces.
Returns current surface data from a compressed filer stream, creates a surface, and returns a smart pointer to it.
Sets new surface data from a surface entity.
Sets a new value of the surface position in model space.
Sets a new parametrization of the surface.
Returns the current surface position in model space. 
Returns the current uv-parametrization of the surface. 
Writes an array of surfaces to a specified compressed filer stream.
Writes surface data to a specified compressed filer stream.
OdPrcBlend03Surface Class
This is the overview for the multiplicities method overload. 
This is the overview for the parameters method overload. 
This is the overview for the position method overload. 
This is the overview for the rail2AnglesV method overload. 
This is the overview for the rail2DerivativesV method overload. 
Returns the current rail2 V parameter value. 
This is the overview for the rail2SecondDerivatives method overload. 
This is the overview for the secondDerivatives method overload. 
Sets a new value of the rail2 V parameter.
Sets a new value of the trim V maximum.
Sets a new value of the trim V minimum.
This is the overview for the tangent method overload. 
Returns the current trim V maximum value. 
Returns the current trim V minimum value. 
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