API Reference > Classes > PRC Surface Classes > OdPrcNurbsSurface Class
OdPrcNurbsSurface Class
class OdPrcNurbsSurface : public OdPrcSurface;



Class stores information about a rational b-spline surface.

Destroys the surface object. 
This is the overview for the contentSurface method overload. 
Creates new surface data from a OdGeSurface entity.
Returns the current matrix of the 3D transformation. 
Returns the current surface geometry data.
Reads surface data from a specified compressed filer stream, creates a surface, and returns a smart pointer to it.
Reads surface array data from a specified compressed filer stream, creates surfaces, and returns an array of smart pointers to the created surfaces.
Returns current surface data from a compressed filer stream, creates a surface, and returns a smart pointer to it.
Sets new surface data from a surface entity.
Sets a new value of the surface position in model space.
Sets a new parametrization of the surface.
Returns the current surface position in model space. 
Returns the current uv-parametrization of the surface. 
Writes an array of surfaces to a specified compressed filer stream.
Writes surface data to a specified compressed filer stream.
OdPrcNurbsSurface Class
Returns the current knot type of the nurbs surface. 
This is the overview for the nurbSurface method overload. 
Sets a new knot type value to the nurbs surface.
Sets a new surface form value to the nurbs surface.
Returns the current surface form value of the nurbs surface. 
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