API Reference > Classes > PRC Graphical Classes
PRC Graphical Classes Classes
PRC Graphical Classes  Legend

Class representing data about ambient illumination of a scene. It contains information about an entity and four indexes to describe its ambient illumination. 

Class representing an array of RGB or RGBA colors. 

Class stores information about a camera. 
Class stores data of line styles.  

Class implements a two-dimensional circle with its possible parameterization and transformation for positioning in model space. 

Class implements a three-dimensional circle with its possible parameterization and transformation for positioning in model space. 
Class implements functionality of a color index management. Color indexes are stored in an array that can be retrieved through calling one of the colors() methods of the OdPrcFileStructureGlobals object.  

Class stores data about a light. 

Class representing a light of a scene from a point with attenuation factors. 

Class representing a scene directional illumination. 

Class representing a two-dimensional dotting pattern with points. 

Class stores data of fill patterns. 

Class stores information about graphics. 

Class stores data for filling hatches with patterns. 

Class representing one hatch pattern line. 

Class stores data for displaying dashes and gaps. 

Class implements operations with a material. 

Class stores generic data of materials. 

Class representing a picture embedded in the .prc file. 

Class representing a two-dimensional filling pattern based on a vectorized picture. 

Class representing a scene light from a point with attenuation factors. 

Class representing a color defined with 3 components: red, green, blue. 

Class representing a group of parameters used for scene visualization, such as an ambient light and camera. 

Class stores information about a filling pattern with a defined style. 

Class stores information about a light from a spot illumination. 

Class representing a complex texture pipe to be applied. 

Class representing a group of texture parameters used in a texture application. 

Class representing a texture mapping type. 

Class representing transformation data used in a texture definition. 

Class representing a view that is associated with planes. It also can define an entity's visibilities and an entity's positions. 
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