Diametric dimensions measure and represent the diameter of a circle, circular arc, or polyline arc
segment as a dimension entity in primary and alternate units. To define the placement, the diametric
dimension entity requires the chord point on the circle or arc to which the dimension lines are drawn, an
opposite chord point that defines the circle or arc to be measured, a text point that defines the location
of the dimension text box, and the normal which orients a dimension in WCS. The circle or arc to be
measured is the definition circle or definition arc.
A diametric dimension entity can be rotated, scaled, and oriented in WCS. Additionally, the center
of a diametric dimension entity can be marked.

Elements of the diametric dimension
A diametric dimension entity consists of the following elements:
- Two dimension lines — Straight lines that pass through the chord point,
far chord point, or center point, and can be placed inside or outside of the
definition circle or arc. When dimension lines are placed inside, they are
drawn directly from the center to the chord points. When dimension lines are
placed outside, they are drawn from the outside to the chord points, and can
be connected with a forced line or can be open-ended. The first dimension
line is drawn to the chord point and can have a leader line in the beginning
that connects the dimension line to the dimension text box (when it is not
aligned). The second dimension line is drawn to the far chord point or can
be absent. Both dimension lines have color, lineweight, and linetype independent
of the entity's properties. Each dimension line has its own visibility setting
and arrowhead. Each arrowhead can be set from the fixed list of arrowhead
types or can be defined by a block. Both arrowheads are the same size.
- Dimension text box — A linear structure that contains the required
primary text box, optional alternate measured value, optional primary and
alternate tolerance value, optional primary and alternate prefix, and optional
primary and alternate suffix. The dimension text box can be centered relative
to the dimension line or placed above the dimension line, aligned horizontally
or along the dimension line, offset from the dimension line or leader line,
rotated, or scaled.
- Optional leader line — If the dimension text box is not placed along
the dimension line, the leader line is drawn from the beginning of the dimension
line to the dimension text box margin. If the dimension text box is placed
along the dimension line, the leader line is not drawn.
The common structure of a diametric dimension entity is defined by the text movement and text position
relative to the definition circle or arc (inside or outside).
Text movement
Dimension text can be moved, but the result can vary depending on the Dimtmove
value. Dimtmove can be set to the following values:
- 0 — If set to 0, dimension lines and the dimension text box move together,
and the center of the dimension text box defines the text point.
- 1 — If set to 1, dimension lines and the dimension text box move independently
and are connected with a leader, and the beginning of the first dimension
line defines the text point.
In both cases (0 and 1), the dimension text box is placed next to the dimension
line. If the dimension text box moves, the dimension lines rotate around the
center point towards the text point, and vice versa, if the dimension lines
rotate along the circle or arc, the dimension text box also moves with it.
When the dimension text box moves from inside to outside (or outside to inside)
of a circle or arc, the dimension lines are redrawn automatically from the
text point to the chord points.
When the dimension text box is placed inside of the definition circle or arc,
the first and second dimension lines are drawn together from the center to
the first chord point (they overlap in the same location).

When the dimension text box is placed outside of the definition circle or
arc, the first dimension line is drawn from the text point to the chord point,
and the second dimension line is drawn from the far chord point to the center
Dimension lines can be connected by the forced line or can be open-ended.
If the forced line is absent, the center can be marked. If the center is marked,
dimension lines are drawn outside together. When dimension lines are placed
inside, the forced line and center mark are not drawn.
- 2 — If set to 2, the dimension lines and dimension text box move independently
without a leader. The center of the dimension text box defines the text point,
and the diametric dimension entity has two opposite dimension lines. The first
dimension line is drawn from the center up to the first chord point, and the
second dimension line is drawn from the center up to the second chord point.
Both dimension lines are placed inside, regardless of the dimension text box

If the dimension text box is placed inside of a circle or arc, it breaks the
dimension lines, and the dimension text box is offset by a gap on both sides.
If the dimension text box is placed outside of a circle or arc, the dimension
lines are not broken and are drawn inside, and the forced line and center
type are not drawn.
For working with diametric dimension objects, use the OdDbDiametricDimension
class, which represents a diametric dimension entity and manipulates its properties.
The OdDbDiametricDimensionPtr class is the typified smart pointer to an instance
of this entity, and it is used for storing and passing a reference to the diametric
dimension object.
To create and initialize a new instance of a diametric dimension entity, see
Overview of Specific Entities.
The main methods of the OdDbDiametricDimension class are listed below:
- chordPoint() — Returns the chord point as an object of the OdGePoint3d
- setChordPoint() — Sets a new chord point; requires an object of the
OdGePoint3d class as a new point.
- farChordPoint() — Returns the far chord point as an object of the
OdGePoint3d class.
- setFarChordPoint() — Sets a new far chord point; requires an object
of the OdGePoint3d class as a new point.
- leaderLength() — Returns the length from the chordPoint to the dogleg
as a double value.
- setLeaderLength() — Sets a new length from the chordPoint to the dogleg;
requires one double value.
The next example demonstrates how to work with a diametric dimension entity.
// Create a circle to be dimensioned
OdDbCirclePtr pCircle = OdDbCircle::createObject();
// Set Circle properties
OdGePoint3d center (12, 0, 0);
// Create a Diametric Dimension
OdDbDiametricDimensionPtr pDimension = OdDbDiametricDimension::createObject();
// Create a vector to determine the diamter of the circle
OdGeVector3d chordVector(pCircle->radius(), 0.0, 0.0);
chordVector.rotateBy(OdaToRadian(60.0), OdGeVector3d::kZAxis);
// Set first and second chord points
pDimension->setChordPoint(pCircle->center() + chordVector);
pDimension->setFarChordPoint(pCircle->center() - chordVector);
// Set leader length
See Also
Working with Dimensions
Overview of Dimensions
Overview of Linear Dimensions
Overview of Angular Dimensions
Overview of Arc-Length Dimensions
Overview of Ordinate Dimensions
Overview of Radial Dimensions
Overview of Radial Large Dimensions
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