API Reference > OdRx Classes > OdRxEventReactor Class > OdRxEventReactor Methods > OdRxEventReactor::beginWblockObjects Method
OdRxEventReactor::beginWblockObjects Method
virtual void beginWblockObjects(OdDbDatabase* pFromDb, OdDbIdMapping& idMap);
OdDbDatabase* pFromDb 
[in] Source database.  
OdDbIdMapping& idMap 
[in] ID Map source -> destination. 

Notification function called whenever one database is being wblocked to another. 


idMap contains mapping of the original objects in pFromDb to the objects created in pToDb. 

This notification function gives wblockCloneObjects a method of being notified before each pFrom database before the actual cloning begins.

  • abortWblock
  • beginWblock
  • endWblock
  • otherWblock
  • wblockNotice

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