API Reference > OdRx Classes > OdRxEventReactor Class
OdRxEventReactor Class
class OdRxEventReactor : public OdRxObject;


This class is the base class for custom classes that receive notification of OdRxEvent (application level) events.

The default implementations of all methods in this class do nothing but return.



Notification function called whenever a subDeepClone operation has failed.
Notification function called whenever the DXF input to a database has failed.
Notification function called whenever the DXF output from a database has failed.
Notification function called whenever the insertion of a database has failed.
Notification function called whenever the save of a database has failed.
Notification function called whenever the wblock of a database has failed.
Notification function called whenever a subDeepClone operation is about to be started on a database.
Notification function called whenever a the translation stage of a subDeepClone operation is about to be started on a database.
Notification function called whenever a database is about to be modified by a DXF input operation.
Notification function called whenever a database is about to be saved to a DXF file.
This is the overview for the beginInsert method overload. 
Notification function called whenever a database is about to be saved to a .dwg file.
This is the overview for the beginWblock method overload. 
Notification function called whenever one database is being wblocked to another.
Notification function called whenever a database has been constructed from a file.
Notification function called whenever a database is about to be deleted from memory.
Notification function called whenever a .dwg file is being read.
Notification function called whenever a database has been modified by a DXF input operation.
Notification function called whenever a database has be saved to a DXF file.
Notification function called whenever a subDeepClone operation has succeeded.
Notification function called whenever the insertion of a database has succeeded.
Notification function called whenever the wblock of a database has succeded.
Notification function called whenever a .dwg file has been read.
This is ODRX_DECLARE_MEMBERS, a member of class OdRxEventReactor. 
Notification function called whenever one database has been inserted into another.
Notification function called whenever one database is being wblocked to another.
Notification function called before an attempt is made to partially open an OdDbDatabase.
Notification function called whenever a database has been saved to a .dwg file.
Notification function called while one database is about to be wblocked to another.
This is xrefSubCommandAborted, a member of class OdRxEventReactor. 
This is xrefSubCommandEnd, a member of class OdRxEventReactor. 
This is xrefSubCommandStart, a member of class OdRxEventReactor. 
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