API Reference > OdRx Classes > OdRxEventReactor Class > OdRxEventReactor Methods > beginWblock Method > OdRxEventReactor::beginWblock Method (OdDbDatabase*, OdDbDatabase*, OdDbObjectId)
OdRxEventReactor::beginWblock Method (OdDbDatabase*, OdDbDatabase*, OdDbObjectId)
virtual void beginWblock(OdDbDatabase* pToDb, OdDbDatabase* pFromDb, OdDbObjectId blockId);
OdDbDatabase* pToDb 
[in] Destination database.  
OdDbDatabase* pFromDb 
[in] Source database.  
OdDbObjectId blockId 
[in] Object ID of OdDbBlockTableRecord being wblocked. 

Notification function called while one database is being wblocked to another. 


This function is called during the operation. 

If blockId is specified, the wblock operation is being performed on a BlockTableRecord in pFromDb.

  • abortWblock
  • beginWblockObjects
  • endWblock
  • otherWblock
  • wblockNotice

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