API Reference > Other Classes > OdFdFieldEvaluator Class > OdFdFieldEvaluator Methods > OdFdFieldEvaluator::compile Method
OdFdFieldEvaluator::compile Method
virtual OdResult compile(OdDbField* pField, OdDbDatabase* pDb, OdFdFieldResult* pResult) const = 0;
OdDbField* pField 
[in] Input field to compile  
OdDbDatabase* pDb 
[in] Input database pointer  
OdFdFieldResult* pResult 
[in] Input field result object to set the compilation status 

This function is called by the frame framework to compile a field when the field code is changed.

The evaluator can do any parsing of the field code here and store the parsed data in the field. This method will be called only when the field code is changed, unlike evaluate(), which is called whenever the field needs to be evaluated.

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