API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbXRefManExt Class > OdDbXRefManExt Methods > OdDbXRefManExt::addNewXRefDefBlock Method
OdDbXRefManExt::addNewXRefDefBlock Method
static OdDbBlockTableRecordPtr addNewXRefDefBlock(OdDbDatabase* pDb, const OdString& pathName, const OdString& blockName, bool overlaid, const OdPassword& password = OdPassword(), OdDbHandle handle = 0);
OdDbDatabase* pDb 
[in] Pointer to the database.  
const OdString& pathName 
[in] Path and filename for Xref block.  
const OdString& blockName 
[in] Name of Xref block.  
bool overlaid 
[in] True for Xref Overlay, false for Xref Attach.  
const OdPassword& password = OdPassword() 
[in] Password for file.  
OdDbHandle handle = 0 
[in] Handle for Xref block. 

Returns a SmartPointer to the newly added Block Table Record.

Creates an Xref block in the specified database. 


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