API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbTransactionReactor Class > OdDbTransactionReactor Methods > OdDbTransactionReactor::objectIdSwapped Method
OdDbTransactionReactor::objectIdSwapped Method
virtual void objectIdSwapped(const OdDbObject* pTransObj, const OdDbObject* pOtherTransObj, OdDbDatabase* pDb);
const OdDbObject* pTransObj 
[in] Pointer to the first transaction resident object.  
const OdDbObject* pOtherTransObj 
[in] Pointer to the second transaction resident object.  
OdDbDatabase* pDb 
[in] Pointer to the database sending the notification. 

Notification function called when the transaction resident object is involved in a swapIdWith() operation. 


According to database transactions implementation the both objects are transaction-resident or not. So this function will be called only once in OdDbObject::swapIdWith() method.

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