API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbSubDMesh Class > OdDbSubDMesh Methods > extrudeFaces Method > OdDbSubDMesh::extrudeFaces Method (OdDbFullSubentPathArray&, double, OdGeVector3d&, double)
OdDbSubDMesh::extrudeFaces Method (OdDbFullSubentPathArray&, double, OdGeVector3d&, double)
OdResult extrudeFaces(const OdDbFullSubentPathArray& subentPaths, double length, const OdGeVector3d& dir, double taper);
const OdDbFullSubentPathArray& subentPaths 
[in] Array of faces to be extruded.  
double length 
[in] Length of extrusion.  
const OdGeVector3d& dir 
[in] Direction of extrusion.  
double taper 
[in] Taper angle of extrusion.  

eOk if the operation completed successfully, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

Extrudes faces along the given direction and with a given taper angle. 


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