API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbPlotSettings Class > OdDbPlotSettings Methods > OdDbPlotSettings::getPlotWindowArea Method
OdDbPlotSettings::getPlotWindowArea Method
void getPlotWindowArea(double& xMin, double& yMin, double& xMax, double& yMax) const;
double& xMin 
[in] Receives the X-coordinate of the lower-left corner.  
double& yMin 
[in] Receives the Y-coordinate of the lower-left corner.  
double& xMax 
[in] Receives the X-coordinate of the upper-right corner.  
double& yMax 
[in] Receives the Y-coordinate of the upper-right corner. 

Returns the corners of the plot window area for this PlotSettings object (DXF 48, 49, 140, 141). 


The corners define the area to be plotted if and only if plotType == kWindow.

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