API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbPlotSettings Class > OdDbPlotSettings Methods
OdDbPlotSettings Methods

The methods of the OdDbPlotSettings class are listed here.

Adds this PlotSettings object to the PlotSettings dictionary in the specified database.
Copies the contents of the specified object into this object when possible.
Returns true if and only if viewports are to be plotted before other objects in PaperSpace for this PlotSettings object (DXF 70, bit 0x200). 
Reads the .dwg file data of this object.
Writes the .dwg file data of this object.
Reads the DXF data of this object.
Writes the DXF data of this object.
Returns the bottom margin of the paper for this PlotSettings object (DXF 41). 
Returns the canonical media name for the paper id of this PlotSettings object (DXF 4). 
Returns the current style sheet (DXF 7). 
Returns the custom print scale for this PlotSettings object (DXF 142, 143).
Returns the left margin of the paper for this PlotSettings object (DXF 40). 
Returns the paper image origin of the paper for this PlotSettings object (DXF 148, 149). 
Returns the name of the system printer or plot configuration file for this PlotSettings object (DXF 2). 
Returns the plot origin offset for this PlotSettings object (DXF 46, 47).
Returns the margins of the paper for this PlotSettings object.
Returns the size of the paper for this PlotSettings object (DXF 44, 45). 
Returns the name of this PlotSettings object (DXF 1). 
Returns the plot view name for this PlotSettings object (DXF 6). 
Returns the corners of the plot window area for this PlotSettings object (DXF 48, 49, 140, 141).
Returns the right margin of the paper for this PlotSettings object (DXF 42). 
Returns the standard scale, as a floating point value, for this PlotSettings object (DXF 147).
Returns the top margin of the paper for this PlotSettings object (DXF 43). 
Returns true if and only if this PlotSettings object is of ModelSpace type (DXF 70, bit 0x400). 
This is ODDB_DECLARE_MEMBERS, a member of class OdDbPlotSettings. 
Controls whether the output is raster-based when using shade plot settings of a viewport. 
Returns true if an only if the plot is to be centered for this PlotSettings object (DXF 70, bit 0x04). 
Returns true if and only if the hidden line removal algorithm is to be applied to PaperSpace entities for this PlotSettings object (DXF 70, bit 0x08). 
Returns the plot paper units used for margins, offsets, paper size, and drawing units of this PlotSettings object (DXF 72). 
Returns whether plotstyles are applied for this PlotSettings object (DXF 70, bit 0x20). 
Returns the plot rotation for this PlotSettings object (DXF 73). 
Returns true if and only if transparencies plotting is enabled for this OdDbRenderSettings object. 
Returns the plot type for this PlotSettings Object (DXF 74). 
Returns whether viewport borders are plotted for this PlotSettings object (DXF 70, bit 0x01). 
Controls whether the output is vector-based when using shade plot settings of a viewport. 
Returns true if an only if lineweights are printed for this PlotSettings object (DXF 70, bit 0x80). 
Returns true if an only if lineweights are scaled for this PlotSettings object (DXF 70, bit 0x40). 
Controls the plotting of viewports before other objects in PaperSpace for this PlotSettings object (DXF 70, bit 0x200).
Controls the ModelSpace type of this PlotSettings object (DXF 70, bit 0x400).
Sets the paper image origin (DXF 148, 149).  
Controls the application of the hidden line removal algorithm to PaperSpace entities for this PlotSettings object (DXF 70, bit 0x08).
Controls whether plotstyles are applied for this PlotSettings object (DXF 70, bit 0x20).
Sets the name of this PlotSettings object (DXF 1).
Enables or disables transparencies plotting for this OdDbRenderSettings object.
Controls whether viewport borders are plotted for this PlotSettings object (DXF 70, bit 0x01).
Controls the printing of lineweights for this PlotSettings object (DXF 70, bit 0x80).
Controls the scaling of lineweights for this PlotSettings object (DXF 70, bit 0x40).
This is the overview for the setShadePlot method overload. 
Sets the shade plot custom DPI for this PlotSettings object. 
Sets the shade plot resolution level for this PlotSettings object.
Controls whether plotstyles display for this PlotSettings object during layout mode (DXF 70, bit 0x02).
Returns the shade plot type for this PlotSettings object (DXF 76). 
Returns the shade plot custom DPI for this PlotSettings object. 
Returns the OdDbObjectId of the OdDbVisualStyle or OdDbRenderSettings object referenced by this object. 
Returns the shade plot resolution level for this PlotSettings object. 
Returns whether plotstyles display for this PlotSettings object during layout mode (DXF 70, bit 0x02). 
Returns the standard scale type for this PlotSettings object (DXF 75). 
Called as the first operation as this object is being closed, for database -resident objects only. 
Called as the first operation as this object is being erased or unerased.
Called as the first operation of the handOverTo function.
Returns true if and only if this PlotSettings object uses a standard scale (DXF 70, bit 0x10). 
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