API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbMentalRayRenderSettings Class > OdDbMentalRayRenderSettings Methods > OdDbMentalRayRenderSettings::sampling Method
OdDbMentalRayRenderSettings::sampling Method
void sampling(int& min, int& max) const;
int& min 
[out] Receives the minimum sampling rate. [-3 .. 5]  
int& max 
[out] Receives the maximum sampling rate. [-3 .. 5] 

Returns the minimum and maximum sampling rates when rendering a pixel for this MentalRayRenderSettings object.

  • Negative values enable subsampling.
  • -3 specifies one sample per 64 pixels
  • 5 specfies one sample per 1028 pixels
  • The default value of min == -1
  • The default value of max == 0
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