API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbMentalRayRenderSettings Class > OdDbMentalRayRenderSettings Methods > OdDbMentalRayRenderSettings::fgSampleRadiusState Method
OdDbMentalRayRenderSettings::fgSampleRadiusState Method
void fgSampleRadiusState(bool& useMin, bool& useMax, bool& inPixels) const;
bool& useMin 
[out] Receives true if the user-supplied minimum radius is used, false for the default,  
bool& useMax 
[out] Receives true if the user-supplied maximum radius is used, false for the default,  
bool& inPixels 
[out] True if user-supplied radii are in pixels, false for drawing units. 

Returns the the Final Gathering Sample Radius State for this MentalRayRenderSettings object. 


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