API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbHatch Class > OdDbHatch Methods > markModifiedLoop Method > OdDbHatch::markModifiedLoop Method (OdUInt16)
OdDbHatch::markModifiedLoop Method (OdUInt16)
OdResult markModifiedLoop(const OdUInt16 loopIndex);
const OdUInt16 loopIndex 
[in] Loop index.

eOk if loop with specified index exist

Mark loop that need recalculate. (If associated entity was changed) 


Hatch loops are recalculated in endTransaction if associated Entity was changed and Hatch protocol extension not implemented. Use makeClosedLoop to mark loop and recalculate by OdDbHatch::updateMarkedLoops() if OdDbHatchWatcherPE(or derived) classes implemented.

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