API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbHatch Class > OdDbHatch Methods > getLoopAt Method > OdDbHatch::getLoopAt Method (int, OdGePoint2dArray&, OdGeDoubleArray&)
OdDbHatch::getLoopAt Method (int, OdGePoint2dArray&, OdGeDoubleArray&)
void getLoopAt(int loopIndex, OdGePoint2dArray& vertices, OdGeDoubleArray& bulges) const;
int loopIndex 
[in] Loop index.  
OdGePoint2dArray& vertices 
[out] Receives the vertices that comprise this loop.  
OdGeDoubleArray& bulges 
[out] Receives a set of bulges corresponding to the vertices array. 

Returns the specified loop from this Hatch entity. 


Should be called with vertices and bulges if the loop is a polyline loop.

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