API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbGeoDataPE Class > OdDbGeoDataPE Methods > OdDbGeoDataPE::transformFromLonLatAlt Method
OdDbGeoDataPE::transformFromLonLatAlt Method
virtual OdResult transformFromLonLatAlt(const OdDbGeoData* pGeoData, const double& dblLongitude, const double& dblLatitude, const double& dblAltitude, double& dblDwgX, double& dblDwgY, double& dblDwgZ) = 0;
const OdDbGeoData* pGeoData 
[in] Pointer to an OdDbGeoData object.  
const double& dblLongitude 
[in] Longitude ordinate of the point to be transformed.  
const double& dblLatitude 
[in] Latitude ordinate of the point to be transformed.  
const double& dblAltitude 
[in] Altitude ordinate of the point to be transformed.  
double& dblDwgX 
[out] X ordinate of the transformed point.  
double& dblDwgY 
[out] Y ordinate of the transformed point.  
double& dblDwgZ 
[out] Z ordinate of the transformed point.

Returns eOK if successful, or an appropriate error code if not.

Transforms the geographic point into an equivalent design point. 


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