API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbExtrudedSurface Class > OdDbExtrudedSurface Methods > OdDbExtrudedSurface::createExtrudedSurface Method
OdDbExtrudedSurface::createExtrudedSurface Method
virtual OdResult createExtrudedSurface(OdDbEntity* pSweepEnt, const OdGeVector3d& directionVec, OdDbSweepOptions& sweepOptions, const OdStreamBuf * pSat = 0);
OdDbEntity* pSweepEnt 
[in] A pointer to the curve, region, or planar surface to be swept.  
const OdGeVector3d& directionVec 
[in] A vector determining the distance and direction of the sweeping.  
OdDbSweepOptions& sweepOptions 
[in] Sweep options.  
[in] A pointer to an output stream buffer.

Returns eOk if successful or an appropriate error code otherwise.

Creates an extruded surface by sweeping a planar curve, region, or planar surface in the direction of the given vector using a distance equal to the length of the vector. 


Additional extruding parameters (for example, draft angle) can be specified with the sweepOptions object. 

This method is implemented only for Spatial modeler and returns eNotImplementedYet status for other modelers.

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