API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbEllipse Class > OdDbEllipse Methods > OdDbEllipse::setRadiusRatio Method
OdDbEllipse::setRadiusRatio Method
void setRadiusRatio(double radiusRatio);
double radiusRatio 
[in] Radius ratio as a Double value. 

Sets the ratio of the minor radius to the major radius for the elliptical figure (ellipse or arc) in the range [1e-6 to 1.0]. The initial value is 1.0 by default. 


Example of Working with the Ellipse Object 

Example of Working with the Elliptical Arc 

Specific Ellipse Properties 

OdDbEllipse::minorAxis(), OdDbEllipse::minorAxis(), OdDbEllipse::radiusRatio() methods

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