API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbEllipse Class > OdDbEllipse Methods > OdDbEllipse::set Method
OdDbEllipse::set Method
void set(const OdGePoint3d& center, const OdGeVector3d& unitNormal, const OdGeVector3d& majorAxis, double radiusRatio, double startAngle = 0.0, double endAngle = Oda2PI);
const OdGePoint3d& center 
[in] WCS center.  
const OdGeVector3d& unitNormal 
[in] WCS unit normal.  
const OdGeVector3d& majorAxis 
[in] WCS major axis.  
double radiusRatio 
[in] Radius ratio.  
double startAngle = 0.0 
[in] Start angle.  
double endAngle = Oda2PI 
[in] End angle. 

{NoAutoLink} Sets the properties for the ellipse entity. 


All angles are expressed in radians. A closed ellipse entity must have (StartAngle = 0) and (EndAngle = Oda2PI) and (EndAngle - StartAngle) > 1e-6. The radius ratio must be in the range [1e-6 to 1.0]. The major axis must be perpendicular to the normal within 1e-6.

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