API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbBody Class > OdDbBody Methods > OdDbBody::subGetGsMarkersAtSubentPath Method
OdDbBody::subGetGsMarkersAtSubentPath Method
virtual OdResult subGetGsMarkersAtSubentPath(const OdDbFullSubentPath& subPath, OdGsMarkerArray& gsMarkers) const;
const OdDbFullSubentPath& subPath 
[in] Path to the subentity (or subentities) for which the GS marker(s) is requested.  
OdGsMarkerArray& gsMarkers 
[out] Array of the GS marker(s). 

Returns eOk if successful, or an appropriate error code if not.

Returns the array of the graphics system marker(s) (GS marker(s)) associated with primitive(s) that is used for drawing the subentity. 


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