API Reference > OdDg Classes > OdDgBSplineSurface Class > OdDgBSplineSurface Methods
OdDgBSplineSurface Methods

The methods of the OdDgBSplineSurface class are listed here.

Add new boundary to b-spline surface.
This is clone, a member of class OdDgBSplineSurface. 
Delete boundary contour of b-spline surface.
This is the overview for the evaluate method overload. 
generates Ge-analogue of this object; could generate eInvalidInput exception if the object can not be converted 
Gets all NURB data.
Returns number of boundaries. 
Return boundary contour points of b-spline surface.
get/set surface control net display mode flag. 
Returns the control point (in WCS coordinates) at the specified position in the control points vector.
Returns the control points and the quantity of control points in both u and v directions.
get/set inside boundaries flag. If this flag is true, than first boundary describe hole into b-spline surface. Otherwise first boundary describe border of b-spline surface. 
  • details The flag indicates whether the element is a solid or a hole for closed element types:
    • false is Solid
    • true is Hole
Returns the normal vector at the specified parameter location ([u, v]).
Returns the quantity of control points in the u direction.
Returns the quantity of control points in the v direction.
Returns the quantity of knots in the u direction.
Returns the quantity of knots in the v direction.
Returns the simple patches in the u direction.
Returns the simple patches in the v direction.
Returns the degree of NURBS surface in the u direction.
Returns the degree of NURBS surface in the v direction.
Returns the u and v parameter for a point on the surface.
get/set surface display mode flag. 
Returns the knot vector in the u direction.
Returns the knot vector in the v direction.
Returns the weight at a specified position (uIndex, vIndex) in the weights array. Returns valid weight value only when the surface is rational.
Determines whether the surface is closed in the u direction.
Determines whether the surface is closed in the v direction.
Determines whether a specified point is on the surface. If specified point is on the surface, the method returns true via bOnSurface, otherwise the method returns false.
Determines whether the surface is rational. If the surface is rational, the method returns true, otherwise the method returns false.
Set new data for the existing b-spline surface.
Set boundary contour points of b-spline surface.
This is setControlNetDisplayFlag, a member of class OdDgBSplineSurface. 
Sets a new control point (in WCS coordinates) at a specified position in the control points vector.
Sets the control points.
This is setFirstBoundaryIsHoleFlag, a member of class OdDgBSplineSurface. 
This is setHoleFlag, a member of class OdDgBSplineSurface. 
This is setNumberOfSpansInU, a member of class OdDgBSplineSurface. 
This is setNumberOfSpansInV, a member of class OdDgBSplineSurface. 
This is setSurfaceDisplayFlag, a member of class OdDgBSplineSurface. 
Sets the weight value at a specified position in the weights array.
If the surface is not rational, the method does nothing.
This is subExplode, a member of class OdDgBSplineSurface. 
This is subGetGeomExtents, a member of class OdDgBSplineSurface. 
OdGiDrawable overridden 
OdGiDrawable overridden 
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