API Reference > OdDg Classes > OdDgBSplineSurface Class > OdDgBSplineSurface Methods > OdDgBSplineSurface::getControlPoints Method
OdDgBSplineSurface::getControlPoints Method
OdResult getControlPoints(OdUInt32& iUCount, OdUInt32& iVCount, OdGePoint3dArray& points) const;
OdUInt32& iUCount 
[out] The quantity of control points in u direction.  
OdUInt32& iVCount 
[out] The quantity of control points in v direction.  
OdGePoint3dArray& points 
[out] Array of control points (in WCS coordinates).

Returns eOk if control point were successfully returned, or an appropriate error code in other case.

Returns the control points and the quantity of control points in both u and v directions. 


The control points will be allocated in the passed-in OdGePoint3d array. The column indexes are for the v direction, and row indexes are for the u direction. For example, if the surface has n control points in the u direction and m control points in the v direction, the array looks like [0,0], [0,1], ...[0,vCount-1], ..., [uCount-1,0], [uCount-1,1], ...[uCount-1,vCount-1].

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